Using data as of: June 2016
Daniel Memorial – more often known as Daniel Kids – was founded in 1884 and is the oldest children’s agency in the state. They provide a variety of programs addressing child welfare, adoption, independent living, mental health, case management, and juvenile justice. This can include a therapeutic foster home for an abused child, independent living services for a homeless adolescent, intervention services for an adolescent on the path of juvenile delinquency, or treatment for an emotionally disturbed, behaviorally disruptive child.
More information on Daniel Kids can be found here:
Daniel Kids Facebook:
Our Analysis
Financial information comes from the latest public Form 990 filing.
Financial Overview
Daniel Memorial brought in $15.4 million in revenue according to their latest report. Their assets stand at $2.6 million, but this is deceptively lower than their true asset level. They operate two affiliate nonprofits – one for the foundation and one for their properties – and when combined, their asset level totals $11.1 million.FINANCIAL INFORMATION
Contributions | 4,745,183 |
Program Services | 10,519,680 |
Other Revenue | 155,408 |
TOTAL REVENUE | 15,426,771 |
Salaries & Compensation | 10,742,958 |
Other Expenses | 3,441,782 |
TOTAL EXPENSES | 15,180,620 |
Revenue Minus Expenses | 246,151 | Totals may include items not listed above |
Assets | 2,652,801 |
Liabilities | 1,598,676 |
NET ASSETS | 1,054,125 |
Number of employees | 347 |
Voting board members | 13 |
Income Sources
Of their $15.4 million in revenue, over $10 million came from their operations which includes items like Medicaid and transfers in from their two affiliate nonprofits. Other government grants accounted for almost $5 million in revenue. Only $190 thousand in revenue came from contributions, though the Daniel Foundation had more than $600 thousand in contributions.INCOME SOURCES
Contributions | 190,703 |
Government Grants | 4,492,117 |
Federated Campaigns | 62,363 |
TOTAL | 4,745,183 |
Program Revenue | 10,519,680 |
TOTAL REVENUE | 15,426,771 | Totals may include items not listed above |
Expenses and Philanthropic Spending
Daniel Kids is fairly efficient with their spending, with about 89% of spending going to their mission. We like to see a charity spend at least 75% on their mission, so 89% is respectable. They also have no fundraising expenses.Program Spending | |
Family Based Treatment | 2,109,479 |
Inpatient Psychiatric Program | 3,433,400 |
Foster Care | 2,807,725 |
Other | 5,185,079 |
TOTAL | 13,535,683 |
Total expenses | 15,180,620 | 13,535,683 | 1,644,937 | 0 |
Percentage of spending | 89.2% | 10.8% | - |
Notable Contributions
Daniel Kids received a grant of just over $3.2 million from Family Support Services, the lead agency for foster care, adoption, and family preservation in Duval and Nassau counties.
Our Conclusion
Daniel Kids provides a worthy, needed service. Their numbers look solid and they are a good organization, to which we give a RECOMMEND rating.
Daniel Kids
4203 Southpoint Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 296-1055
Daniel Memorial Form 990 LINK
Daniel Foundation Form 990 LINK
Daniel Memorial Properties Form 990 LINK
Financial information comes from the latest Form 990 filing. This review is the opinion of Local Philanthropic and is provided for general information purposes only. Please conduct your own due diligence before donating to any nonprofit.